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  • What is the effect of overcharging on battery performance?

    Overcharging refers to the behavior that the battery continues to charge after it is fully charged after a certain charging process.
    Since the capacity of the negative electrode is higher than that of the positive electrode at the time of design, the gas generated by the positive electrode passes through the separator paper and recombines with the cadmium generated by the negative electrode.Therefore, under normal circumstances, the internal pressure of the battery will not increase significantly, but if the charging current is too large, or the charging time is too long, the oxygen generated will not be consumed in time, which may cause internal pressure to increase, battery deformation, leakage, and other bad phenomena.At the same time, its electrical performance will be significantly reduced.

  • How does ambient temperature affect battery performance?

    Among all environmental factors, temperature has the greatest impact on the charge and discharge performance of the battery. The electrochemical reaction at the electrode/electrolyte interface is related to the ambient temperature. The electrode/electrolyte interface is regarded as the heart of the battery.If the temperature drops, the reaction rate of the electrodes also drops, and assuming the battery voltage remains constant, the discharge current decreases and the power output of the battery also drops.If the temperature rises, the opposite will happen, that is, the output power of the battery will increase, and the temperature will also affect the transmission speed of the electrolyte. As the temperature rises, the transmission speed will be accelerated, and the transmission temperature will decrease, and the transmission will slow down, and the battery charge and discharge performance will also be affected.But the temperature is too high, more than45, will destroy the chemical balance in the battery, leading to side reactions
  • What is the battery rating?What are volts and amps?

    Each battery has two ratings: Volts and Amp Hours (Ah).Ah ratings can also be expressed in milliampere-hours (mah), which are one-thousandths of an ampere-hour (eg, 1000mah for a 1Ah battery).Amp-hours are the rating of how much energy a battery can store.Another way of saying this is that the higher the amp-hour rating of the battery, the longer the battery will run.Some of our batteries will have a higher amp-hour rating than the original battery in the device and will not cause any incompatibilities.
  • What are the main characteristics of lithium-ion batteries?

    In many ways, lithium is an almost perfect battery chemistry, and there are many variations.Practical lithium-based rechargeable batteries debuted in the 1970s and are now heavily used in low-power applications such as cell phones, laptops, cameras and other consumer electronics.They have many attractive performance advantages that make them also ideal for high power applications such as automotive and backup power supplies.
    The high battery voltage of 1.3.6 volts means that the high voltage battery requires less battery and associated connections and electronics.(One Lithium battery can replace three NiCd or NiMH batteries with a battery voltage of only 1.2 volts)
    2. No liquid electrolyte means they won't leak.
    3. Very high energy density (about 4 times that of lead acid).For example, a 3.5-ton electric LDV light truck uses 750 kg of lead-acid batteries.Lithium battery less than 200 kg can provide the same capacity
  • How do we control the quality internally?

    We firmly believe that quality is the lifeline of an enterprise, therefore, quality control has always been considered the most important thing in our production management.We rely on a professional and well-trained QC team to effectively control the quality of our products; our QC department is mainly composed of IQC, IPQC, FQC and QA.
  • Need to activate the battery?

    Yes, but that's not the user's job.After some complicated procedures, all our batteries have been activated internally.Users only need to fully charge and discharge 3 to 5 times before use to reach the optimum capacity condition.
  • What is rated capacity?

    The nominal capacity refers to the minimum capacity that should be discharged under certain charging or discharging conditions.
  • What are the possible causes of zero or low voltage?

    1. When the battery is short-circuited or over-discharged/over-charged or reverse-charged from the outside.
    2. When the battery is continuously charged with a high current, the electrodes expand so that the two electrodes are in direct contact, resulting in a short circuit.
    3. Internal short circuit or slight short circuit of the battery.Example: There are thorns on the positive or negative poles, which pierce the insulator and cause a short circuit; the positive and negative poles are improperly placed, and the electrodes touch each other, causing a short circuit; the positive pole is in direct contact with the steel casing, causing a short circuit; the powder on the negative pole falls into the insulator, or The insulator didn't work properly, allowing the positive plate to touch the negative plate, causing a short circuit.
  • How to maximize battery performance?

    Here are a few steps you can take to help you get the most performance out of your battery:
    1. Prevent Memory Effect - Charge and fully discharge at least every two to three weeks to keep the battery healthy.The exception to this rule is lithium-ion batteries, which are not affected by the memory effect.
    2. Keep the battery clean - it is best to clean dirty battery contacts with a cotton swab and alcohol.This helps maintain a good connection between the battery and the portable device.
    3. Exercise the battery - don't let the battery stay dormant for a long time.We recommend using the battery at least every two to three weeks.If the battery has not been used for an extended period of time, perform the new battery break-in procedure above.
    4. Battery Storage - If you are not going to use the battery for a month or more, please store it in a clean, dry, cool place away from heat and metal objects.NiCd, NiMH, and Li-Ion batteries self-discharge during storage; remember to charge the battery before use.
    5. Sealed lead-acid batteries (SLA) must be kept fully charged during storage.This is usually achieved by using a special trickle charger.Do not attempt to store SLA batteries for longer than three months if you do not have a trickle charger.
  • What is the main battery and what is the auxiliary battery?

    A primary battery refers to a battery that can only be discharged but not recharged, while a secondary battery refers to a rechargeable battery that can be charged and used in a duty cycle operation.

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